A new space
for furniture and art

Davanzo L'Officiel returns to the historical home and its original vocation, but with the innovative vision that distinguishes us. This exhibition space shows contemporary furniture living together with items of modern antiques, colour and decoration. Yet it is also an experimental place where the dynamic soul of C7 will host "Cabinet d'Amateur": artists, collectors, craftspeople - and our passions.

Interior design

Comprehensive design service: from the choice of a complete furnishing service to advice over a single item, from the research into materials to the turn-key creation of an entire space.

* Interior design, contemporary and custom furnishings.
* Smart solutions for small living spaces.
* Service to coordinate craftspeople and professionals: electricians, plumbers, masons, plasterboard workers, decorators and carpenters.
* Restyling, to redesign homes starting from the colours and reorganizing the spaces.

Modern antiques

We are curious researchers.

Our passion for timeless design leads us to the search for meaningful, modern-antique items.

Cabinet d'Amateur

A physical and mental space that brings together cultural enrichment and opportunities for useful workshops.

Interior Designer

Our interest in interior design stems from our awareness of the value of space for the quality of life in both private and public spheres. Our experience lets us move easily between design, art and architecture, to investigate the ‘character’ of space and express its potential for uses.

The ‘homelike’ dimension animates the environments we work in by creating an interactive experience with our guests whereby they express their needs and ideas, to find together the ideal solution in the portfolio of our companies, or in custom projects.

Our history

1956: Angelo Davanzo inaugurates Mobilificio Davanzo in Roncade near Venezia as a furniture manufacturer that soon plays a leading role in furnishing the buildings of the Jesolo Riviera and elsewhere. The tradition continues with the furniture and furnishings shop Davanzo Arredamenti, and today the story moves on with Davanzo L'Officiel, which has the mission of enhancing the culture of living that has consistently been present in our business culture.

Contact Us

Via del Parco, 11
31056 Roncade (TV) - Italia
Tel. +39 0422 25 20 92
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© 2017 DAVANZO L'Officiel
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